Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Before and After Part 1

I've been revamping my life lately. Change is good and I always feel like you'll keep being the same person you are as long as you keep doing what you've always done so do some different shiz now and then.  So anyway, fall is coming, I HOPE, and in honor of my life makeover I figured I'd start tweaking the house. So here is one of the walls in the living room. It started off as functional but looked pretty boring so a color injection later, this is what happened. 

So now it's ready for fall with a lot less crap to dust. I hate dusting. 

 A sweet little side view. 

 Looking at this picstitched before and after below,  just shows you what a stab of color can do. It is well with my soul. Namaste. 

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