Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Clean Eating Pumpkin Spice Latte

Alrighty then, I have scoured the internet for the perfect clean eating pumpkin spice latte. I never found one I was really into so I made my own, adapted from a few I found on Pinterest. I'm not one to want my morning coffee to taste like dessert. There is a time and a place for everything and 6:30 a.m. is not that time for massive sugar consumption but it is a good time for flavor. So here is my adaptation, feel free to adapt. I love everything in a mason jar. Makes it looked ho made.

1 15-oz. can pumpkin puree
2.5 c. unsweetened almond milk (plain or vanilla)
1/3 c. cane sugar/agave nectar
2 T. pure vanilla extract
1 T Pumpkin Pie Spice
In a blender, combine all the pumpkin spice mixture ingredients. Puree for about 30 seconds. The mixture should be super smooth
To assemble:
The ratio is relative to your taste buds. I like ¼ cup of pumpkin spice mixture to 1 cup of coffee/espresso. In a coffee cup, microwave the pumpkin spice mixture for 20-30 seconds, then add your coffee and stir it up. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon. Or if you are looking to get crazy, put some chocolate shavings in there. NOTE: This is not very sweet since I don’t typically like my morning coffee to taste like dessert. That’s just me adjust the sweetener as needed but most of you are sweet enough already.
The rest of the pumpkin spice mixture will fit nicely into a quart mason jar or anything else you have laying around with a tight lid. Store in the refrigerator. When you make another, just shake it all up to remix. This survives for a week in the fridge.

From the Window to the Wall...

Sometimes I can't believe how effing boring I am . I mean this before wall below, WTH? It was inspired by Pinterest but come on, my execution was terrible. LOL

 I am much happier with the "after" wall and will add more to it as I find stuff. The whole living room has a black and gold and teal theme and to be honest this picture doesn't really do it justice but It's my blog and Ill post if I want to. I cant wait to keep adding crap to it. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Before and After Part 1

I've been revamping my life lately. Change is good and I always feel like you'll keep being the same person you are as long as you keep doing what you've always done so do some different shiz now and then.  So anyway, fall is coming, I HOPE, and in honor of my life makeover I figured I'd start tweaking the house. So here is one of the walls in the living room. It started off as functional but looked pretty boring so a color injection later, this is what happened. 

So now it's ready for fall with a lot less crap to dust. I hate dusting. 

 A sweet little side view. 

 Looking at this picstitched before and after below,  just shows you what a stab of color can do. It is well with my soul. Namaste. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cute, Easy and From the heart

This weekend was Raelynn's birthday. She's easy to please. Loves anything cute so getting creative for 
her gifts is super fun. 

Mason Jar Soap Dispenser
Not much is needed here and it's super simple. It's more of a do and then wait game. Drill a hole in the top of the can top to accommodate the size of the pump. Then decopage the can top in whatever type of paper, fabric, stickers, paint, etc. you like. Let it dry. Boo! Once it's dry put the pump in the opening in the can top and silicone/glue it to the top. Let it dry. Wait. wait. wait. Once that is dry, size the tube that runs from the pump to the bottom of the mason jar. Super easy to cut, get out yo scissors. Screw the whole thing together, add rafia, a ribbon or leave it plain. Super easy.

Wine Bottle Bird Feeder
The concept is simple but drilling the holes with the spendy diamond bit is time consuming. After the holes were drilled, bailing wire was wrapped around the top, with a loop added in the beginning for hanging the feeder. I glued a small plate to the bottom of the wine bottle for perching of talons. More waiting. At least an hour depending on glue type. Fill and add a cork. So cute.