Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Currently in the Land of Leah

I'm not sure who I imagined I'd really be by the time I turned 31, but I was sure that wherever I was and whatever I was doing I'd be having fun. So I was surely surprised when I turned 31 and found myself miserable. Don't get me wrong the scenario was perfect. High salary, top position in the company I worked for, I could make my own hours, in theory, but I found myself depressed and completely unfulfilled. There were only so many creative outlets available in my job, all of them not necessarily beneficial to my life. And what I said about making my own hours? Yeah, scratch that. That place owned me and I felt like I was locked in a basement somewhere. Be advised I'm not saying that I was mistreated, I'm just saying that this was someone else's dream, not mine. So I did the only thing that seemed logical to me: I quit. Without another job lined up. Then decided to go on vacation. And that's what I'm waiting on now, June 28 and my new life. So big thanks to Instagram and US Weekly for being the vessels that delivered my confirmations pictured above. 

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