Monday, August 26, 2013

Play Me a Song Piano Girl

Last year for my 31st birthday I went out and bought myself a gift that's a little random to some people, for me, not so much. This is a 1930 Hobart M. Cable Upright piano that had been stored or moved to be stored since it was purchased. It had a few dings and chips and scratches but nothing that didn't make it lovable. 
Fast forward to yesterday August 25, 2013, I decided that I was inspired by all the painted pianos on Pinterest and wanted some collah up in my life. So I trekked on over to the Home Depot and got hung up on two teal colors. I couldn't decide on the two until I read their names. One was Surfer and the other Mermaid Treasure. Mermaids for the win. Makes me think of sweet Callie Clifford and all her cuteness. 

 So to make a long story short, I painted an 83 year old piano and I have to say that I'm completely obsessed with the outcome. It's a whole new bright spot on my day. 

 It needs to dry completely before I decorate it but it's doing the job making me happy just like that. 

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